Friday 22 January 2010

How to Lose Underarm Fat

How to Get Rid of Underarm Fat

People can gain weight anywhere on the body, and the underarm region is no exception. While it is a myth that one can lose fat in one preselected location, with the exception of liposuction. It is possible to embark lose the "flab" via a combination of diet, and a cardiovascular workout which will burn the fat all over one's body. While muscle "tone" in this area is acheived by a series of mucsular movements that involve all the surrounding muscle groups.


  1. Build muscle tone around your arms by doing exercises that build muscle in your arms and surrounding areas.
  2. Build overall fitness. Try to get 45-60 minutes of cardiovascular exercise daily. This boosts calorie burn, which results in fat loss all over the body.
  1. Consume fewer calories. Include more fruits, vegetables and calorie-less nutritious food in your diet.
  2. Have mini-meals. Having food every 2-3 hours boosts metabolic activity helping to reduce fat.
  3. Drink green tea. Green tea also boosts your metabolism helping in calorie burn. Drink 2-3 cups of green tea daily.


  • The best time for doing this exercise is in the morning with an empty stomach.
  • Drink green tea with no or very little sugar for best results.

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