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It is advised to take food as raw food in order to avoid the loss of enzymes that get lost when the food is cooked to temperatures greater than 118°F (48°C). Moreover, if the food is consumed in raw state, it contains more natural fat which is healthy. It has also been proved that cooking food decreases its nutritive value.
Some of the best raw foods are
- Apple
- Pineapple
- Avocado
- Cabbage
- Carrot
- Cauliflower
- Celery
- Cucumber
- Zucchini
- Lettuce
- Onion
- Pear
- Tomato
- Watercress
- Beaten Wheat
- Eat healthier and cut down junk food, such as replacing potato chips and chocolates with fruits. You'll see a world of difference.
- Watch how many soft drinks you consume. Consider flavored water as an alternative if you must.
- Do aerobic exercises daily at 30 minutes minimum and include 1-2 days of rest break each week. Anything that brings your heart rate up. Take up dancing, running, tae-bo, swimming, and walking at a good pace.
- Eat lots of lean protein (like beans and nuts - have some meat, it is rather good for you as long as you do not eat the fat!), fruits and dark vegetables, and whole grain breads and grains. If you eat "whole wheat" it's like the same as eating white bread- all the good fibers have been stripped away. These "whole grains" keep you fuller longer than white breads like cakes, cookies, and sweets. Also, stay away from high-fat dairy products (low-fat dairy products are a great source of protein and calcium).
- To better work the entire abdominal region, vary your exercises: Crunches work the upper abdomen, leg raises work the lower abdomen, side bends work the obliques (also known as love handles). Sure, you can do 100 daily crunches. But if you've got a layer of fat covering up your ab work then what's the point? You need to burn the top layer of stomach fat to see the changes.
- Consider some form of an aerobic exercise as well. Some simple resistance training or light weight lifting will not only help you burn fat more efficiently but tone up the rest of your body as well.
- Raising your metabolic rate is crucial. The higher your metabolic rate, the more energy (and thus fat) you'll burn even when you aren't doing anything. Try compound exercises like deadlifts with heavier weights. See "How to Do a Deadlift" for more information.
- To increase your metabolic rate, increase the frequency of your meals to 6-8 times a day. Every 2 to 3 hours, ingest a small meal. This increased frequency will put your metabolisim into overdrive. WARNING: Do not over-eat! Small meals only. For greatest effect, only eat carbohydrates before 2:00 p.m, from then on only proteins.
- Do a lot of cardio.
- Make sure you don't eat anything 2 hours before you sleep. Your body slows down when you sleep so you can't digest food properly.
- Some of the best exercise for achieving flat stomach are Abdominal Crunches, Vaccum Pose and Belly Rubs, Stomach Twisting, Belly Resting Exercise, Russian Twist, Hip Raise Exercise, Dumbbell Side Bends, Leg Lift Exercise, Air Cycling, Knees In and Out, Sit Ups, Inclined Sit Ups, Front Squat, Reverse Crunches, Ball Crunches, Log Roll, Ab Tuck, The Crab Ab Workout, Side Crunches, V Crunches, Chin Up Crunches, Hanging Leg Raise and Hanging Knee Raise.
This video shows instructions slightly different than that described in the text steps above.
- Going to see a personal trainer or a doctor can help greatly as they can give you a dietary/work-out plan that will help you keep at your desired weight rather than going over it alone.
- Get someone to work out with you so you'll inspire each other. If you can't find anyone, try imagining you are with someone you know, a celebrity or an athlete with abs you admire (this usually works better than actually working out with the said athlete). Pretend they're with you as you work out.
- Music will also do wonders to get a workout moving along! Make sure it's upbeat and motivating.
- While crunches are good for your abdominal muscles, make sure that you have a well-rounded weight loss program. Millions of crunches won't help if you eat buckets of ice cream every day!
- Be patient! Some people find it harder to obtain a flat stomach than others, as this is dependent on your own personal fitness level.
- Doing crunches on an exercise ball will specifically target your abdominal muscles, while doing them on the floor strengthens mostly hip muscle. Just the act of balancing on the ball alone will help tone abdominal muscles.
- Find something that you enjoy doing that involves a lot of movement, for example jogging, biking, wiifit, etc.
- Drinking more water can help flush out things stuck in your body.
- Cut out refined carbs. Foods such as white bread, pastas, potatoes, and white rice are rich in refined carbs and should be taken out of your diet. They have less nutrients and vitamins then the non refined kinds. Eat brown rice and whole wheat bread instead.
- Drink more herbal tea, such as green tea, as this will help you lose the saturated fats in your body. Drinking without the addition of milk, sugar, or honey is best.
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- Do NOT starve yourself! If you do, your results will be temporary and you will feel frustrated sooner (and will give up quicker). And when you starve yourself, your body goes into something called "starvation mode" and it causes your body to slow down your metabolism (the thing that digests your food) and causes minimal weight loss. While you might think that by not eating completely is most effective, in essence, it could do permanent harm to your body as well as make it hard to keep off the weight.
- Don't go overboard with the crunches. Your body will tell you when you need to rest. Take a quick break, deep breaths, and then continue until your workout is complete.