Friday 15 January 2010

How To Control Weight Long Term

How to Control Weight Long Term

To control your weight throughout your life without having to watch too hard of what you eat or having to do regular exercise.Follow these simple steps.

For best results, check it out here!


  1. The best way to control your weight throughout life is to have built muscle. Muscle allows your body to burn fat even while you're at rest, and reduces the body's tendency to store fat.
  2. Most people are misinformed about building muscle, and especially women tend to avoid it thinking they want to look slender and not muscular. So let me clear up some points first of all body builders whom are huge and bulky and loaded with muscle have been body-building for years and that isn't even a third the story. Not only have they been body building for years but they are also on special diets with a very large food intake of several large meals and generous snacks everyday and alongside that Body builders are also taking dietary supplements, not of vitamins but supplements which can have more than 1000 calories and 50 gram of protein per serve with several serves consumed each day. (1 liter of milk has 8 grams protein).
  3. Body Builders in addition to that consume even more on training days drinking down a dozen large eggs or eating an entire cooked chicken. To put dietary supplements into perspective an average person would have to run for more than an hour on a treadmill to burn 1000 calories or approx 4400 kilojoules of energy and body builders with their six packs and cuts don't do much running.
  4. The whole point of giving you the above information is that no you will NOT get big and bulky by going to the gym try as hard as you may!!
  5. The best way by far of building muscle by far is by resistance training like lifting weights at the gym. this is no easy task and someone who does not know what they are doing is almost certain to injure themselves its highly recommend that you get an appraisal at the gym and get an exercise plan made out for you with a gym employee putting you through all your exercises.
  6. Its an even better idea to get a personal trainer for training sessions 2 to 3 times a week. they are trained and qualified and know what they are doing. a personal trainer will also push and motivate you and take all the hard work out of building muscle by having knowledge and planning your workouts. (they usually have a card or a file for each client like a doctor or psychiatrist).
  7. another alternative is to go to the gym with a friend who knows what hes doing or ask for help or copy other patrons of the gym. dont spend all your time on cardio 10 minutes are more than enough, save your energy for the weights, an hour on the treadmill is an hour on the tredmill an hour on the weights is 30 hours on the treadmill over the next 3 days and something more for the rest of your life.
  8. best way Start early, the 16-22 year your body can build muscle easier and it will be easier to get time and help say from other gym patrons. but its never too late even after retirement there is still time to build muscle and gain all the health benefits!


  • Do a lot or research or ask for help before starting to train with weights. * Always start any exercise with the lowest weight.


  • Risk of muscle and joint injury is very likely for someone who has little idea of what they are doing do ask for guidance

Sources and Citations

For the best results on long term weight control,this website says it all inside!
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