Friday 15 January 2010

How To Lose Weight Eating Raw Foods

How to Lose More Weight Eating Raw Foods

There are numerous diet plans available but the following steps can be added to your regular eating schedule. These steps are simple, common sense, and effective ways add raw and high fiber foods into your diet. The end result is you will feel fuller faster, get needed vitamins and minerals, and hopefully, fill up before you start adding high calorie and unhealthy foods.

Before going in, you might want to take a look at thisEXCELLENT WEBSITE


Habit 1: Eat Something Raw At Every Meal

  1. Add a raw fruit or (preferably a vegetable) to every single meal. Adding something raw is also known as the addition rule.

    • This has four specific benefits:

      • Raw fruits and vegetables have digestive enzymes to help you break down the rest of the food you are eating.
      • The fiber in the fruit or vegetables expands in your stomach and fills you up faster so you don’t eat as much.
      • It helps to push food through your digestive tract
      • It provides the body with much needed vitamins and minerals.

  2. Eat the fiber first.
  3. Clear a path and prepare your digestive tract for the rest of your meal. Raw fruits and vegetables are full of fiber and when eaten with other carbs, they create a path for the rest of the food and cleanse your colon. For example, if you are eating pizza, add a salad and eat it first. If you are eating ice cream, add an apple and eat it first.
  4. Fill your belly with good food first so that you won't be able to eat as much bad food later in the meal.

Habit 2: The Pyramid Principle

  1. Realize that food is energy for the body. If food = energy, we need the most energy when we get up to start the day.
  2. Eat your biggest meal based on energy requirements. Breakfast is the biggest, lunch is slightly smaller and dinner should be your smallest meal
  3. Understand that since you are winding down your body is burning fewer calories. If you eat a huge dinner these calories won't be burned and contribute to weight gain.
  4. Drinking wine or beverages heavy in calories also contributes to your overall calorie intake. Just because you eat a light meal doesn't mean the beverage calories don't count.


  • Drink plenty of water every day (around 8-10 glasses).
  • Eat plenty of fibrous food as it helps digestions and moves fatty and heavy foods out of your system.
  • Eating and drinking NutraSweet products can cause your appetite to increase and lead to overall weight gain.
  • Try to plan your meals ahead. It's when you eat on the run that you make poor diet decisions.


  • Replace diet drinks with water. NutraSweet can increase appetite and cause numerous health problems.

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